Thursday 31 December 2015

Happy New Year 2016

Happy new year everyone, it's already 2016 I wish for all of you to be able to reach all your dreams, and I wish it'll be better for me, at least one of my wish came true already, it's to have a new phone, once again Happy New Year 

My New Phone

Finally I got what I've been waiting for so long, my second brother and third brother has just come bock from Singapore and my second brother bought me a new phone
iPhone 6s plus the color rose gold, I'm so happy, this is the box of the iPhone so pretty 
And this is the iPhone, finally it's in my hand now, I can't wait to try it but I don't have the SIM card yet,

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Happy 21st Birthday Kim Taehyung Oppa

I think it's the 2nd time I post this to wishes my idol a happy birthday, and that's what I'm gonna do, so happy birthday Kim Taehyung oppa, and I heard the news that BTS cancelled their concert in Japan because V oppa and Suga oppa got sick, I wish you guys will get better soon
Once again happy 21st birthday, wish all the best for you and last Halloween celebration you look so hot as a vampire, and I didn't get a change to congratulate BTS for their wins, so congratulation bangtan oppas are getting more popular, okay that's it for this post, and see ya...

Niece 1st Birthday

Today my niece Alariz Andana Aurelia turns 1 year, time really flew so fast, I remembered the time we are all waiting in the hospital for her birth and now she's already having her first birthday
Here's a picture of me carrying her, she's wearing a tulle dress that she was wearing in the wallpaper behind
And here's her birthday cake, Alariz is her first name but we called her Aurel, I wish for you to always stay healthy and long live, I love you my niece, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Saturday 26 December 2015

I just got back home from my 1st brother's house, we preparing for 29 December that is my niece birthday she'll be turning 1 years old, times pass so fast I remember how we stayed in the hospital at night waiting for her birth now, she's turning 1 years old
She's doing a photoshoot for her birthday, so cute she seems to enjoy playing with water, okay see ya, and stay tune for more sharing for you guys

Friday 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas and The Happy New Year

Hi guys, long time no see, I finally finished my portfolio, I hope it's good enough for me to be accepted in the university, and also one more thing, I'd like to wish you guys, 
Merry Christmas and the happy new year, 2015 is almost over, and I wish we all will always be in the best condition, and able to reach out our deepest dream in our heart, see ya...

Sunday 20 December 2015

Hi guys, I'm still stressed out because of the portfolio there's still some I need to make, I wish I could made it on time, and I also wanna inform you guys about my best friend reni moe, she's going to SG today, she'll be arrived there around 10.30 A.M, I wish for her safety during the traveling, I also wish I could enter the college so when she visit Singapore I could accompany her to go traveling in Singapore, see ya...

Thursday 17 December 2015

Hi guys, sorry I didn't update my blog lately, I'm so stressed right now because of my portfolio there's still a lot to make and I have to rush because December is the last day to send them, so please understand me, I'll post more often after i finished everything see ya...

Friday 4 December 2015

Preparing Portfolio

Hi guys, sorry it took a while for me to update my blog, because I'm so busy preparing my portfolio for entering college at lassale university at Singapore there's a lot that I have to make, now I've made 2  items, a quilling jewelry box and a kusudama flower
This is the kusudama flower I learn to make it from YouTube and it took me 4 days to make it because it kept on unbonding because the glue isn't strong enough
Second item is this quilling jewelry box, it's quite tiring to make this whole peace of box, and finally it's done, thank you for visiting my blog, see ya...

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Happy Birthday My Grandma

Hi guys, today's my grandmother's birthday, I just got back home from her house to celebrate her birthday 
This is a picture of me, my grandma and my cousin 
A picture of her carrying my niece Aurel, this is her 80th birthday, I wish she'll always be healthy and as strong as she is right now, I love you grandma