Saturday 31 December 2016

Happy New Year 2017

Hey guys, I would like to say Happy New Year for you guys all over the world, I stayed home so there's no picture for me to share but yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉

Friday 30 December 2016

Happy Birthday My Dear Niece

Sorry guys I should've update this yesterday but I'm exhausted so I update today 
Happy birthday my dear little Niece you're 2 years now, wish the best for you in the future, I love you, thanks for reading and see ya...

Sunday 18 December 2016

Homemade meals

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I haven't got a time to update my blog, I missed you guys, anyway today I'm gonna share about what me and my family ate today 
As most of you know I'm Indonesian, and we are eating western meal today and it's homemade, salad is made by me, shpaggheti is made by my Brother and his Wife, Kentucky chicken is made by my maid and it's really good!, that's it for today, I promise to find more time to update, see ya next time...

Wednesday 28 September 2016

New Hairstyle

Hi guys, sorry I haven't update in a while I've been busy with college stuff, so I change my hairstyle today cause I'm just bored with straight 
So I change a bit, a little bit shaggy like what you can see in the picture above, what do you guys think? Do I look good with this hairstyle or do I need to change again? Thanks for visiting, see ya...

Monday 12 September 2016

Hi guys sorry I haven't update for quite a Long time, I've been busy with college, how are you guys doing? I hope you are all doing fine, me? My health isn't in the best condition, my health had been worst my gastric kept on coming back and college just get more and more stressing, thanks for visiting, I'll update more as soon as I can, see ya... 

Saturday 20 August 2016

Refreshing Saturday Night

Hi guys, how have you been? Hope you're doing fine, me? Well I'm a little stress for college, yesterday is a very good refreshing 
I went to Marina Bay Sand, as you can see there's plenty of people here you know what they're doing? All of them are playing Pokemon Go, me too haha I played yesterday and caught like 20 Pokemon, haha thanks for visiting guys see you in the next post

Monday 15 August 2016

College is so stressing guys, the first week we start studying there are already lots of homework, *sigh* it's gonna take a while for me to adapt to this, wish me luck guys 

Sunday 14 August 2016

Vote My Brother

Hi guys, my brother Andi Andana Bangsawan just left yesterday to KL to participate on Maybank Go Ahead Challenge 2016, please help vote for him, I'll be very happy if you guys kindly vote for him by using this link, thank you guys 
In case you guys didn't know this is how my brother looks like, so please please please vote for him 😄😄😄, thanks for visiting, byee... 

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Hi guys, sorry I haven't been able to update because college is really busy I have a project to make a 15 minutes duration movie, and I have no idea how to 
Oh and bye the way there's Somekind of bazaar at Waterway Point mall at Punggol and day say the money is for charity, so please go there and buy their items it's only for today there are so many cute stuff, thanks for visiting, see ya...

Friday 29 July 2016

LaSalle Challenge Field

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a while since I'm busy for schools orientation 
These people are my team and we played a lots of game and we won 3rd place, and now I'm very exhausted but it's worth it I get to make new friends, they are all my friends and we scream, dance, and hangout together, today will be the most memorable moment in my life, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Sunday 17 July 2016

Living in Singapore Day 1

I arrived yesterday at Singapore, but I'm too tired to take a picture and still is tired, so I'll share a picture when I have a change to take one, see ya...

Friday 15 July 2016

Leaving for Singapore Tomorrow

Hi guys, tomorrow I'll be leaving to SG because it's almost time for college to start, I'm gonna miss my home during college because I'll be away for a while only able to go home during holiday, tomorrow early in the morning I'll post on how I'll be styling myself, see ya...

Saturday 25 June 2016

I just got back from the wedding party, I took a picture on the photo booth
This is how I look like in the photo booth, the decoration is simple yet really pretty, thanks for visiting me and see you in the next post, anyeong...

Went to Wedding Party

I'm going to my mom's friends daughter's wedding 
And this is how I'll be styling myself, thanks for visiting and see you in my next post, bye...

Monday 20 June 2016

Surprise Visit by Bestfriends

Two of my best friends came to my house today, they surprised me with a late birthday cake, I'm so touch and happy I have a caring friends like them
It's really pretty, but I can't eat it yet since I'm fasting 
We also take a selfie, me, Reni Moe and my newest best friend Cherane, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Wednesday 8 June 2016

My 19th B'day

I'm officially turned 19, a while ago 
And this is how my birthday cake looks like, my mom pick the design, since she knew that my fav Color is pink, I wish for this year that all my dreams would come true, and I can become a better person thanks for visiting my blog and see ya...

Saturday 4 June 2016

Day-trip to Singapore

Hi guys, today I'm going to have a day trip to Singapore, I'll be leaving soon and return home at the evening 
This is how I'm gonna style my self, the reason why I'm going to Singapore is to check out the apartment we're going to rent for me to stay during college, I'll take several picture to share it for you guys, thanks for visiting and see ya... 

Friday 3 June 2016

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I didn't update for a while, cause I practically have nothing to share and the fact that I'm busy preparing for college, I'll be in Singapore by July, and these past few weeks I joined a sewing class, cause my mom thinks that I need it in case I have problems with my clothing when I'm in Singapore, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Sunday 8 May 2016

Day Trip to Singapore

Hi guys, today I'll be going on a day trip to Singapore with my mom, because she needs to go to physiotherapy because of here right arms 
And this is how I'm going to style myself, with a red hush puppies shirt and a pair of black pants, okay thanks for visiting my blog, see you guys next time....

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hi guys, maybe some of you were wondering why am I posting in the middle of the night, it's 21st April now and it's my mother's 55th birthday 
Happy Birthday!!!! To the most important woman ever in my live ever, thanks for always being there for me, thanks for visiting and see ya....

Thursday 14 April 2016

Return from Batam

Hi guys, I just got from Batam and very exhausted, yesterday I visited my aunt's house and meet my Nephew which is still around 9 months old
He's so cute isn't he, and very chubby, it's a shame that I have to go back to Tanjungpinang today I still wanna play with him, thanks for visiting my blog and see ya...

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Here's what we're having
Since the place called grand duck, we think we should order duck, time to eat 
😄😄😄😄, enjoy your meal guys for you who's having meal

Dinner Time

Me, my mom and her cousin is in a place called grand duck King to have dinner 
The place looks like this, the meal isn't here yet so stay tune if you wanna know what we're having...

Monday 11 April 2016

Vacation to Batam

Today me and my dad will be going to Batam to meet my mom, so I'm here today to share to you how I'll be styling myself 
Who knows it might rain today so in case for that I'll be wearing my most favourite hoodie, I'll be leaving my home around 10.00 A.M this morning, we'll take our car to Batam using Roro, a big boat that could carry vehicles, and if you guys met me later on don't be shy to say hello to me, I'll be happy to welcome you, see ya...

Sunday 3 April 2016

Arrived from Batam

Hi guys, I've arrived home from batam, so exhausting
I bought is baby outfit for my 1 year old niece that I love so much
I also bought one for myself, I haven't wear it yet so I'll show you how it looks like when I wear it, thanks for visiting me and see ya...

Friday 1 April 2016

1st Day at Batam

Hi guys, I'm in the hotel room right now, I'm staying at Planet Holiday Hotel
And this is my first meal for today, stay tune for more post coming up next time, see ya...

Thursday 31 March 2016

Trip to Batam

So here's how I'll be styling myself
I'll just be wearing a purple collared shirt for today, since I'm not recover yet I'll be taking a hoodie with me in case I'll feel cold
Today I was taken to see the doctor because I got stomachache and I can't sleep at all, I also got injected for the ache, I hope I'll recover tomorrow because I have to go to Batam tomorrow to meet my mom, if I did go I'll share how I'll be styling myself before going as usual, thanks for visiting my blog and see ya...

Sunday 27 March 2016

Hi guys, I'm at the event now, wanna know what event it is check out my previous post
Here's are one of the event donating blood, I can't donate because my parents won't let me to, because I easily got dizzy, if you care for others come and donate your blood to safe live, it's located at Jl. Kamboja BPR Duta Kepri

BPR Duta Kepri 11th Birthday Event

Today me and my dad will be going to my mom's office because the bank is having the 11th birthday today
And this is how I'm gonna style myself a pink collared shirt with jeans, my dad is waiting so I better get going, see ya...


Thursday 24 March 2016

Good News from Mom

I'm so happy today, my mom just informed me that lassale has approved my tuition grant request, so me and my brothers will start to look for a house for us to live and I'll start going to college at 1st August and maybe I'll already be in Singapore around may or June, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Sunday 20 March 2016

Day Trip to Singapore

 Here's how I'm gonna style myself 
I'm wearing a t shirt hoodie that my dad bought for me, if you wanna know how it looks like fully just check out my previous post its called New Year's Eve, okay thanks for visiting my blog I'll be leaving soon don't be shy to say hello to me if we crossed each other and have a nice day, see ya...

Tomorrow's plan

Tomorrow me and my mom will have a day trip to Singapore, I'll be accompanying my mom for physiotherapy and go to LaSalle for some needs, so as usual before leaving I'll be showing how I'll be styling myself, till then see you next time

Learning to Cook part 2

Hi guys, today I learn how to cook more kind of meal
All you can see in this table is my cooked, it's hard but fun so don't be afraid if you wanna start learning to cook, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Learning to Cook

There's a lot I need to prepare before
going to college such as learning how to cook and many other thing 
Speaking of learning to cook, this is what I learn today I never learn how to cook before so this is my first attempt 
I also learn how to cook omelette, the result is not bad for a beginner like me right? Hahaha😝, okay see ya...

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Uncle's Funeral Day

Hi guys, today me and my family have to go to funeral of my Uncle😢, he died last Saturday 
Since my uncle is a Chinese so I have to wear a white shirt, this shirt is the only thing I have at the moment, so that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya...

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Skype Interview Result

I'm so happy right now, I don't know to whom I should share my happiness to so I decided to post it on my blog, so everyone would know, my interview result has come out and the result of it is I finally approved and I'll be starting going to college on August, I'm so very happy right now, thanks for visiting and praying for me and see ya....

Today's Experience

Like I said in previous post, today's trip is only a day trip, I went to Pandora shop and my brother bought me a bracelet

Those picture above is how the bracelet looks like, I know I look exhausted because I walked a lot today, thank you for visiting and see ya...


Tuesday 8 March 2016

Trip to Singapore

In this post I'll be showing how I'm styling myself for today's trip 
I'm wearing this hush puppies t shirt, and a pair of black pants, if you meet me on SG later, don't be shy to say hello to me, that's it for this post and see ya...

Tomorrow's Plan

Tomorrow I'll be going to SG to accompany my mom to physiotherapy her arms are still in pain, and my brothers daughter gonna have a immunisation for chicken porks, but after all that is done we all be heading back to Tanjungpinang, and early before leaving I'll share to you how I'm gonna style myself, so stay tune for that and see ya...

Mother's Day Gift for Mom

Hi guys, since it's not too far yet from Mother's Day, I decided to made something for my Mom, I know she loves lotus flower so I decided to make a replica of it using origami
And this is how it looks like, and as what I expected she loves it, but it's mean nothing compare to how much I love my mom, she'll always be the best person in my entire live, she loves lotus for some reason one of them is the meaning of lotus, "even when I grow in a contaminated water, my petals are still pure" which means we should not be effected by our environment just be who we are, thanks for visiting and see you next time....

Thursday 3 March 2016

DIY Phone Case

Hi guys, I've been trying a new DIY today, from YouTube tutorial, it's a DIY phone case
So here's the result I made,I tried knitting with toothpick before and failed plus it made my finger hurt so I change using ice cream stick instead and work perfect, it will make a cute gift for any occasion, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Sunday 28 February 2016

Today is the day, time for me to work hard on convincing them to approved me as one of there student, the Skype interview will be this afternoon at 1.00 o'clock, so wish me luck guys so I can go to SG for college, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Skype Interview on Monday

I'm supposed to take a live interview for lassale, but I've change my plan I'll be taking the interview via Skype and that is tomorrow, so wish me luck guys so I could pass the test and able to go to college at Singapore just like what I dreamed of, thank you for visiting and see ya... 

Saturday 27 February 2016

Back from Singapore

Hi guys, there's been a change plan we are not staying until Sunday but only until Saturday, so I've just arrived at my home and I feel so tired
I get back to Tanjungpinang using this private ship with the governor, I got sea sick twice, yesterday and today because of the wave that is too strong, and I have a lack of sleep this two days, thanks for visiting my blog, see ya...

Friday 26 February 2016

Singapore Day #1

I got free wifi at the hotel, we're not staying at Sentosa as usual but we're staying at Grand Hyyat Hotel near Orchard Road
This is the lobby, it's the first time I spend time in here but I already facsinate by the design, I guess I like interior design so much
And this is our bedroom to spend our night, we're going back to Indonesia tomorrow using last ferry, and wish me luck guys for Monday as it is my interview test for lassale, I hope it goes well, thank you for visiting and see ya... 

Thursday 25 February 2016

In case you guys being curious I decided to take a picture of me wearing the jacket 
Here's how I look like with this jacket, I bought it at Bossini Takashimaya, so if you wanna buy it just check it out there, I'm leaving now, see ya...

Trip to Singapore

Hi guys, I'm preparing for my trip to Singapore 
I'm wearing a t shirt with a disco writing printed on it, 
In case it is cold I'll be wearing this jacket that I bought on last trip to Singapore, thanks for visiting and supporting me, see ya...

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Tomorrow's Plan

Hi guys, today I just wanna tell you guys that I'll be going to Singapore tomorrow, I'll be going in the morning and as usual I'll share to you how I'm gonna style myself, so if you wanna know that just stay tune tomorrow, thank you for visiting and supporting me, see you tomorrow...

Sunday 21 February 2016

Hi guys, thank you for visiting my blog overall my viewer now reach up to 2.576, and I wanted to tell you my hamster has just breed to 7 babies 
They still don't have fur, so now I have 11 hamster haha, I think I need a big cage, ones again thanks for you visit and support for me, see ya...

Friday 12 February 2016

Papercraft iPhone 5

Hi guys, I was just finished making a toy phone for my little niece 
I made it small size to fit her hand, it's an iPhone 5 black 
Here's the template if you'd like to make one yourself, there are many kinds of the iPhone, I'm sure you'll find your choice of iPhone, 
I also made a bigger one to prank someone hahaha😄, thanks for visiting

Sunday 7 February 2016

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Hi guys, happy Chinese New Year to all of you 
This is how's my style is for today, I hope you'll have your own special day, thanks for visiting and supporting my blog and see ya...

Dinner with Family

II just got back from family dinner at kelong sangrila
This is a picture of me, my brothers and my cousin
I'm carrying my little niece Aurelia, she's so cute
A picture of myself, at the first floor
And with my mom, I'm so happy tonight cause all my family member is here since the normal day they were all busy at Singapore, thanks for visiting my blog and see ya....