Saturday 25 June 2016

I just got back from the wedding party, I took a picture on the photo booth
This is how I look like in the photo booth, the decoration is simple yet really pretty, thanks for visiting me and see you in the next post, anyeong...

Went to Wedding Party

I'm going to my mom's friends daughter's wedding 
And this is how I'll be styling myself, thanks for visiting and see you in my next post, bye...

Monday 20 June 2016

Surprise Visit by Bestfriends

Two of my best friends came to my house today, they surprised me with a late birthday cake, I'm so touch and happy I have a caring friends like them
It's really pretty, but I can't eat it yet since I'm fasting 
We also take a selfie, me, Reni Moe and my newest best friend Cherane, thanks for visiting and see ya...

Wednesday 8 June 2016

My 19th B'day

I'm officially turned 19, a while ago 
And this is how my birthday cake looks like, my mom pick the design, since she knew that my fav Color is pink, I wish for this year that all my dreams would come true, and I can become a better person thanks for visiting my blog and see ya...

Saturday 4 June 2016

Day-trip to Singapore

Hi guys, today I'm going to have a day trip to Singapore, I'll be leaving soon and return home at the evening 
This is how I'm gonna style my self, the reason why I'm going to Singapore is to check out the apartment we're going to rent for me to stay during college, I'll take several picture to share it for you guys, thanks for visiting and see ya... 

Friday 3 June 2016

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I didn't update for a while, cause I practically have nothing to share and the fact that I'm busy preparing for college, I'll be in Singapore by July, and these past few weeks I joined a sewing class, cause my mom thinks that I need it in case I have problems with my clothing when I'm in Singapore, thanks for visiting and see ya...