Saturday 20 August 2016

Refreshing Saturday Night

Hi guys, how have you been? Hope you're doing fine, me? Well I'm a little stress for college, yesterday is a very good refreshing 
I went to Marina Bay Sand, as you can see there's plenty of people here you know what they're doing? All of them are playing Pokemon Go, me too haha I played yesterday and caught like 20 Pokemon, haha thanks for visiting guys see you in the next post

Monday 15 August 2016

College is so stressing guys, the first week we start studying there are already lots of homework, *sigh* it's gonna take a while for me to adapt to this, wish me luck guys 

Sunday 14 August 2016

Vote My Brother

Hi guys, my brother Andi Andana Bangsawan just left yesterday to KL to participate on Maybank Go Ahead Challenge 2016, please help vote for him, I'll be very happy if you guys kindly vote for him by using this link, thank you guys 
In case you guys didn't know this is how my brother looks like, so please please please vote for him 😄😄😄, thanks for visiting, byee... 

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Hi guys, sorry I haven't been able to update because college is really busy I have a project to make a 15 minutes duration movie, and I have no idea how to 
Oh and bye the way there's Somekind of bazaar at Waterway Point mall at Punggol and day say the money is for charity, so please go there and buy their items it's only for today there are so many cute stuff, thanks for visiting, see ya...