Saturday 28 February 2015

Hooded styling baby

There's something cute that I would like to share to you
Cute right? Even my niece is stylish, wearing a hoodie like this, I really like this kind of style, my hobby is having a hoodie as one of my collection, right now I have 4 hoodie, 2 hooded jacket and 2 hooded shirt, my favourite kind of outfit, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya...

Friday 27 February 2015

Hi guys, today there's suppose to be an extra class at school but there's no one there so I just decided to go home, I'm at my house now, for me it's such a waste of time, it's better for me to stay at home and take a rest because I got cold and a bit fever
Anyway this is my style for today extra activity, we are not wearing uniform because it's not a school day, and I decided to style like this simple and casual because its just a class not school eve of anything, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post, hope you guys have a nice weekend and see you guys next time....
Hi guys, I just got back from school, I felt so tired and a bit angry with a friend of my, today around 10.30 a.m we were all gathered at our school hall, we were gathered because our teacher is mad at us because there's some of us that always break school rule by bringing handphone and wearing colored t shirt, we are allowed to wear a t shirt but only white color but today lots of people broke that rule so the teacher manage to check all the class and took our phone, I didn't bring my phone so I'm save, our teacher took my friend phone, since she broke that rule to much our teacher wouldn't return it to her phone until we're done with our exam, and since my name is clean from breaking school rule she said that she want to borrow my name, that really making me angry, she's very arrogant to me and now she asked for my help, that's what I don't like about her, she only come to me when she needed my help, if she didn't need me she act arrogant to me, I really hate that kind of person, selfish and annoying like that, I didn't mean to be like this but, I'm also human who have limited patience, I won't stand still if anyone treated arbitrarily, sorry I didn't have any picture to share, I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see you guys next time, bye...

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Good morning guys, right now I'm almost done preparing my self for school, we have sport on our schedule, I hope I won't be so tired today because of that sport, I don't know what are we going to play, but I hope it's something that I can, like baseball, badminton, volley, and table tennis, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya....

Monday 23 February 2015

Sorry guys I didn't post anything for this pass few day, it's because I don't know what else to post, now I just got back home from today's outdoor activity
This is my style just now, I decided to wear a hoodie shirt that my dad bought for me from batam, why I wear this is because it's so cold and kinda windy, so I wear this to keep myself warm, okay I guess that's it for this post and see ya...

Thursday 19 February 2015

Me and my family will be going to my dad's friends house, for this Lunar eve I'm sure there will be lots of people because every year they opened their house for thousand of people
And this is my style for tonight's eve
I combined it with a black skirt, the skirt that I bought a few months ago at Public in Bt. 9, 
And finally the completion my shoe, it's from my aunt that she bought from Jakarta, I really love it, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya...

Wednesday 18 February 2015

1st day of Chinese New Year

Hi guys, I just got back from my grandma's house and I took a few picture at my grandma's house, next will be the picture
I only take 2 picture because there's so many people there, this I photo of me and all my three brother, the one that's standing is my 1st brother, the one that's sitting alone is my 2nd brother and the one that's sitting near me is the 3rd brother and I'm the youngest among them
This is my niece Aurel, she's cute right, she's just awake from her sleep, so she's still half asleep, I didn't take much picture but maybe tonight we'll start visiting other cousin, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more and see ya...

Chinese New Year Style

Like I said in previous post that I'm gonna share my style
Well, this is my style, this shirt is my mom's shirt I didn't get anything that suit for me yesterday, so my mom just lend me her shirt that she never wear, I'm gonna wear this with a black skirt, the first place that we'll be going is my grandma's house at Osaka at Jl. Merdeka, okay I guess that's it for this post, don't hesitate to just said hi to me, I'm saying that because I wanna make friend everywhere I go, and see ya...

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Hi guys, me and reni moe from BA wishes you all happy lunar new year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, for you guys who's celebrating it, this afternoon me and my family gonna visit our family member one by one, and it's already our tradition and my family from Singapore is already home, later I'm gonna show you my style for today, I guess that's it for this post and see ya...

Tuesday 17 February 2015

I have no luck, I didn't found any outfit that is suitable for me, so I just got back home, my mom said that she'll take me to batu 9 because there's a lot of shop that sell any kind of outfit, hopefully I'll find something there, okay I guess that's it for this post and see ya...
Today me and my mom is going out to find a new outfit for me, for this Lunar eve, I don't know where to find but I hope I'll find a cute outfit for me, I'm looking for a dress, I want to wear a dress because most of my friend said that I'm a bit boyish, so I'm trying to be more girly, I'll share what a bought after I got back
This is my style for today's traveling, I just decided to style simply, if we meet out there don't hesitate to just say hi to me, okay my driver had arrived, so that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya...

Saturday 14 February 2015

My dad friend just got back Jakarta and she bought us a snack
Beard papa's, it has a cream and taste of vanilla
You can see the vanilla cream, it taste sweet and really good, I really like it but it was to far from here, okay that's it for this post and see ya

My new cap

Hi guys, I just got back from today's class and I went to a mini shop near my tutor place, in the shop there's a lot of item and I buy one
A dancer cap, I always want to have one so I save my cash to buy it and finally I'm able to buy it, I buy it for Rp. 65.000, next is a picture of how I'm gonna looked like when I put it on
This is how it looks like when I put it on, does it look good or bad? 
Or I also can wear a hoodie like this, the reason why I want to buy this cap is because I want to be a hip hop dancer so I decided that I want to have a cap and other stuff that is related to dance, I'm preparing a dance for my school practec exam, I decided to dance teen top rocking or maybe bts no more dream, okay I guess that's it for this post stay tune for more post and see ya...

Friday 13 February 2015

Happy Valentine Day

Good morning, happy valentine day to all of you, I hope you'll always be happy with the one you love, and if you're in a relationship I hope it'll last forever, I also hope that I'll find someone that will love me just the way I am, I really wish that the person that I'm in love with right now will have a same feeling like do for him, okay I guess that's it for this post and see ya....

Selfie with best friend

I just got back from school and I have a few picture to share to you
This is at Reni Moe's classroom, she put on a lipstick on my lips and it kinda look pretty to me
This is a picture of me and two of my best friend, me, reni moe and Felicia, they are the bestest friend I ever have, I hope our friendship will last longer and forever maybe, okay I only have 2 picture to share, that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya...

Thursday 12 February 2015

I didn't go to school in the morning, we all go at 12 am in the afternoon, it's because today we're not studying we gonna celebrate lunar new year and there will be lots of performance, I won't be performing, before I go to school later I'm gonna share to you my style, okay I guess that's it for this post and see ya...

Unforgettable Experience

I'm still feeling a bit tired today maybe it's because of yesterday activity, me and my classmate are a having a therapy that we know as hypnotherapy, we're not being hypnotize we're just relaxing we're completely awake just in a very comfortable and relaxing position, we're told to use our imagination and we all cried because of that, we are told to imagine our parents that's already old, and we apologize to them right then I started to cry, we all cry except the boys, I guess that's it for this post and see ya...

Gift from my dad

Hi guys, that's something I wanted to share to you, my dad went to Batam for a meeting and he just got back today and he bought me a cool outfit
A hooded shirt, I don't know what is wrote on it but this outfit is really cute and I love it so much, thank you so much dad, I'm so happy with your gift, okay I guess that's it for this post and see ya...

I made a mistake pelnus didn't compete with SMAN 2 but SMK pembangunan and we won with a great score pelnusa vs SMK pembangunan and the score is 98 for pelnusa and 34 for SMK pembangunan, hip hip horee we won, I'm so happy, okay I guess that's for this post and see ya...

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Happy full (1st month) for my niece

Hi guys, my niece has already turn 1 month 
So my mom ordered this cake, it's said happy full month, I hope she'll always be cute 
She's cute right, lots of people said she looked like a baby boy but the fact is she's a girl, she's so cutee >.<, okay I guess that's it for this post stay tune for more post and see ya...

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Today's match is between pelnusa vs SMAN 2, I didn't watch the match because I'm so tired and sleepy so after the bell rank I just decided to go home and rest, so I don't know who won but I hope our school won today's match, I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya next time, bye..

Monday 9 February 2015

Hi guys, sorry it took me so long to update on my blog today, it's because I just got back home, just now after I got back from school I still have to go to Quin for an extra class, so I'm able to update my blog a bit late, today is the first day of pelnusa cup, today's match is between Santa Maria vs SMAN 1 we are not allowed to watch, I don't know why, but I ask who won the match and they said SMAN 1 won today's match and tomorrow will be my school but I don't know who's the opponent is and I hope our school will win, it's an open match so everyone is allowed to come to watch the live match, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more and see ya...

Friday 6 February 2015

Gift from mom

It's me again I wanna share one more thing before I go to school
My mom bought me a perfume, it's Paris Hilton, it smells nice so I'll always use this perfume all the time, okay I have to go now, so see you guys next time...

Weekend style

Hi guys, I have to go to school today but I don't know why, our teacher asked us to go but only for grade 12,
This is my style, I'm wearing a dark blue jeans shirt, sorry I didn't take it fully, I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya...
Hi guys, I didn't actually have something to post on my blog, but I just want to tell you that I just finished making an instagram so follow me the name is tasyaar1997, and sorry there's no much picture yet, because I just made it today and I don't have much picture to share just a picture of me and my brother, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post, and see ya...

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Happy Birthday Dad (0.0)

I almost forgot to post this, it's already passed one day but it's better than never, isn't it? Here's what I'm gonna share to you
It's my dad birthday cake, now he has turned 60, this cake is from takadeli ( am I spelling it the wrong way? If its wrong please forgive me), I will wish you all the best dad, happy birthday to you, okay I guess that's it for this post, and see ya...

School tradition

I just remembered something, on this Monday our school will have a basket ball match between school I don't know exactly which school but, I hope my school will win, this match is well known as pelnusa cup, and we have it every year it's like our tradition, and my teacher also said that in the opening ceremony of pelnusa cup will have a performance but I don't know what kind of performance if its dance then me and reni moe will be joining but if it's not, then it wouldn't be us, I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more post and see ya...
Hi guys, sorry I didn't post for three days, it's because I'm having try out test at school, so I have to focus that day, but I'm back now, I'm so nervous for the result I hope I'll past all the six subject, I don't really have something to share, so I'm sorry that there's no picture yet, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more and see ya...

Monday 2 February 2015

Dad's birthday surprise

Hi guys, me and my family is about to celebrate my dad's birthday, we'll start celebrating his birthday at midnight, he hasn't know it yet, it is a surprise party I hope it will gone well, and I want to tell you other thing, I'm doing try out right now at school so maybe I won't able to post anything of 2 days, okay I guess that's it for this post, stay tune for more, and see ya....