Saturday 22 August 2015

I'm so happy, finally I manage to make my niece fall asleep, since her parents are going to funeral because the daughter of my sister in law had just passed away today, my mom is sick so she was afraid that my niece gonna catch her sick so it's up to me, she was very sleepy so I tried to make her sleep,
Here's the picture she's sleeping next to me now, so cute I always wanted to try making her sleep but it's not working at all until today, so I'm very happy that it works today, stay tune for more post, thanks for visiting, see ya ;-)

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Heart Shaped Cake

Hi guys, I would like to share something
Sorry it's only half because my brother has already eat a bit it's actually a heart shaped cake with Oreo sprinkle on it, it taste really good my mom's friend made it and it will be a perfect gift for valentine day, I'll order this for valentine day next year if I have a boyfriend, okay that's it for this post and see ya...

Friday 14 August 2015

Happy Birthday my Bestfriend

Hi guys, I would like to say happy birthday to my beloved bestfriend reni moe, she's turned 17 now, I wish all the best for you, stay beautiful, and success in the future, take care of your health, because I don't want anything to happen to you, you're the best person I have as a friend, in fact you're like a sister to me, once more happy birthday to my dearest best friend reni moe, thanks for visiting my blog and see ya...

Gift Item from Felicia

Like I said before, in this post I'll be sharing what inside the gift from my best friend Felicia 
The first item is this coin thing, this picture shows you the front and back side of this coin actually I'm not really sure what it is, since it looks like coin then I just say it's a coin
Second one is this bracelet, looks cute and I really love it and the color, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, pink, white and purple
3rd is this bangle, I like it although I didn't really like wearing bangle 
And last item was this notebook, she said she made it, wow so creative I can't make one all I know is how to use a sewing machine, dance and making a dream catcher but this maybe I can but it'll take a very long time to finish one, I really appreciate what she gave to me, and I really love it, and thank you guys for visiting my blog, have a nice weekend, see ya...

Belated B'Day Gift

Hi guys, today I went to school to meet my best friends and I gave reni a gift because it was her birthday tomorrow I gave it today is because maybe I can't go to her home because I'm sick right now, there lots of red dots all over me, and my friends gave me a gift for my birthday at June 
This is from reni moe, she made it herself, she's very creative in creating something
And this one is from my other bestfriend Felicia, if you want to know what's inside stay tune cause I'll be sharing it in different post, see ya...

Thursday 13 August 2015

DIY: Cropped Hoodie Made by Me

Hi, back with me again, like I said in the previous post that I have something to share, you guys know that I really love hoodie cropped or not so in this post I'll be showing you guys a cropped hoodie that I just made
This is how it looks like when I'm not wearing it looks cute to me, what you guys think?
And this is how it looks like when I put it on, I can't wear it as a crop top because my tummy isn't flat but I like to wear it like this, so if you guys wanna try to make on your self just search on YouTube April, she's my fav youtuber she make all the tutorial simple and easy, this is what you should check diy hoodie by coolirpa, she made it with cut out shoulder and batwing sleeve but I don't, I like it the way it was now, okay that's it for this post and see ya...
Hi guys, how are you today? I hope you are all okay, sorry I didn't post anything these days until today it's because I have to focus on my ielts because I'm taking the real ielts test this September, oh my god! I'm so nervous right now, wish me luck guys, and I also have something to share but in a separate post so if you wanna know what it was stay tune, see ya...

Saturday 1 August 2015

Hi guys, we cancelled our plan to go to Lagoi today because my mom didn't want to go she's exhausted after working fully from Monday-Friday, maybe next time we'll go, I woke up too early so I'm still a bit sleepy, I'm gonna go back to sleep, thank you for visiting my blog, stay tune for more, have a nice day and see ya...
Hi guys, we cancelled our plan to go to Lagoi today because my mom didn't want to go she's exhausted after working fully from Monday-Friday, maybe next time we'll go, I woke up too early so I'm still a bit sleepy, I'm gonna go back to sleep, thank you for visiting my blog, stay tune for more, have a nice day and see ya...
Hi guys, how are you? I hope you all are in good condition, I heard from my 1st brother that at Lagoi there's a new mall has opened, so me and my family were planning to go there tomorrow, and sorry I didn't post anything this past few days because I'm confused what to post I got nothing, and first thing in the morning I'll be sharing you guys how I'll be styling myself there, so stay tune and see ya...